The achievement of a PLO is supported by several courses which are distributed into eight semesters. One type of PLO is carried out in several courses such as PLO 1 (KN-1) carried by 5 courses, while one type of subject carries several types of PLO, for example, the Plant Physiology course carries PLO 2, 3, 7, 9, and 10. The path of achievement for each PLO can be seen in figure 2.24; 2.25; 2.26; 2.27; 2.28; 2.29; 2.30; 2.31; 2.32; 2.33; 2.34.

PLO-1 or KN-1 emphasizes basic knowledge of biology that is relevant to science and mathematics to understand current scientific phenomena and issues as well as apply them in problem-solving. This PLO was carried out in the course of General Biology, General Chemistry, General Physics, Basic Mathematics (Figure 2.24)

Figure 2.24. The roadmap of course support for PLO 1 or KN-1

PLO-2 or KN-2 emphasizes mastery of biological sciences and is carried out in many courses, both compulsory and elective courses, including Cell Biology, Plant Physiology, Animal Physiology, Genetics, Animal Taxonomy, Plant Taxonomy, and others (Figure 2.25).

Figure 2.25. The roadmap of course support for PLO 2 or KN-2

PLO 3 or KN-3 emphasizes mastery on the application of biological science in the form of problems solving of natural resources and the environment, as well as in the form of practicum, carried out by many courses, including courses in Plant Physiology, Microtechnic, Plant Systematics, Microbiology,  Ecology, and others (Figure 2.26).

Figure 2.26. The roadmap of course support for PLO 3 or KN-3

PLO 4 or KN-4 emphasizes mastery of the use of software and instruments, analysis and synthesis methods, carried out by several courses namely Biostatistics and Biocomputers, Laboratory Engineering, Animal Systematics, Animal Physiology, and others (Figure 2.27).

Figure 2.27. The roadmap of course support for PLO 4 or KN-4

PLO 5 or SC-1 emphasizes the ability to work independently in the laboratory, the application of bioethics and work safety, carried out in several courses, including General Chemistry, General Biology, Laboratory Engineering, Microbiology, Tissue Culture, Field Work Practice, and others (Figure 2.28).

Figure 2.28. The roadmap of course support for PLO 5 or SC-1

PLO 6 or SC-2 emphasizes the ability to design and carry out research, organize and analyze research data, carried out in several courses including biological research methodology, seminars, final projects, animal systematics, and others (Figure 2.29).

Figure 2.29. The roadmap of course support for PLO 6 or SC-2

PLO 7 or SC-3 emphasizes the development of ecopreunership capabilities (eco-innovation, eco-opportunity, eco-commitment), carried out by several courses including entrepreneurship, advanced entrepreneurship, biotechnology, and other subjects (Figure 2.30). 

Figure 2.30. The roadmap of course support for PLO 7 or SC-3

PLO 8 or GC-1 emphasizes developing the ability to communicate scientific ideas, both orally and in writing, carried out by several courses including Indonesian, English, Plant Systematics, Animal Systematics, Ecology, Biotechnology, and others (Figure 2.31).

Figure 2.31. The roadmap of course support for PLO 8 or GC-1

PLO 9 or GC-2 emphasizes the development of logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking skills, for the development or application of science, carried out by several courses namely General Physics, Biochemistry, Animal Anatomy, Plant Physiology, Genetics, and others (Figure 2.31).

Figure 2.32.  The roadmap of course support for PLO 9 or GC-2

PLO 10 or AT-1 emphasizes the development of the ability to work independently both individually and in groups and is responsible for completing various tasks, carried out by courses in Biochemistry, Plant Development Structure, entrepreneurship, Molecular Biology, Microtechnics, and others (Figure 2.33).

Figure 2.33. The roadmap of course support for PLO 10 or AT-1

PLO 11 or AT-2 emphasizes the ability to demonstrate religious values, national culture, and academic ethics, carried out by the Pancasila Education courses, Religious Education, Citizenship Education, Basic Social Sciences, and others (Figure 2.34).

Figure 2.34. The roadmap of course support for PLO-11 or AT-2