For every semester, UPB is carried out by monitoring and evaluation of at least 3 lecturers (two lecturers have been monitored internally by the supervisor from the Biology Department and one lecturer is monitored externally by supervisors from other departments within FMNS Unesa). Monitoring and evaluation of learning are carried out in rotation for all lecturers of the Biology Department, FMNS Unesa, to ensure that the learning carried out by lecturers is truly quality learning and is able to deliver students to achieve the goals set. In the monitoring and evaluation of learning activities, an instrument is applied which is at the same time a standard for the quality of learning that has been set. There are 3 important aspects observed, namely (1) teaching preparation which consists of7 aspects (2) learning implementation which consists of 10 aspects (3) learning evaluation consists of 7 aspects. So that in total there are 25 aspects (with a note that there are 2 aspects in point one of the learning implementation).
In general, the results obtained from the Monitoring and evaluation of Learning in UPB for the teaching preparation show that (1) the RPS designed and developed by the lecturers independently/groups is in accordance with the development of science and technology (2) the RPS that has been developed has been approved by the UPM/Head of Study Programs (3 ) RPS has been validated by the team in the science clump (4) RPS has contained learning outcomes according to the KKNI consisting of knowledge, attitudes, general skills, and special skills (5) RPS has been uploaded in Siakadu (6) Commonly used platforms include WAG, GM, GC, Zoom and Vinesa and notified to students(7) Lecturers have teaching materials in the form of hand-outs, PowerPoint slides, diktat, modules, or textbooks are written by lecturers. The results of observations during the learning process include (1a) coordinating related platform used with students (1b) announces the platform used in writing at least in class WAG (2) Lecturers carry out lectures according to the schedule and marked by the contents of the journal online Siakadu (3) Lecturers register/initiate on the platform used(4) Lecturers perform online learning apperceptions appropriately and attractively (5) Lecturers upload teaching materials and/or supporting media to Vinesa, GC or at least share in class WAG (6) Lecturers are able to motivate students to participate actively during learning (7) Lecturers provide the widest opportunity for students to ask/answer/argue (8) Lecturers give assignments to students (9) Lecturers reflect on the end of learning/meeting (10) Lecturers start and end according to the lecture schedule. The results of observations on learning evaluations that are usually carried out during closing activities include (1) most of the lecturers give an assessment of the assignments given to students (2) most of the lecturers return the assignments that have been assessed to students (3) Questions in USS/UTS has been validated (4) Lecturer compiles the USS assessment rubric (5) USS/UTS is carried out according to the schedule stated in the RPS, usually in the 8th week (6) USS questions are in accordance with the learning material and most evaluate higher-order thinking skills (7 ) The results of USS scores are announced back to students, most of whom are lecturers asking for answers to be uploaded in classwork at the GC so that students can directly see the scores/results. Based on the explanation of the results above, things that can be improved are the assessment and return of assignments to students and the return of UTS results. Assignments and UTS can be designed in such a way that students can check their work independently by providing answer keys and scoring guidelines after students submit their assignments or doing cross-corrections between students. Based on the results obtained, it can be stated that the learning process carried out in the UPB is of very high quality in delivering students to achieve the goals set.