The quality of the Undergraduate Programme of Biology activities is monitored directly by the quality assurance group at the department level called UPM (Quality Assurance Unit). The monitoring aspects include teaching and learning activities. The monitoring and evaluation of learning are carried out every semester in a minimum of 3 courses. This process is crucial to ensure that the learning carried out by lecturers and students experiencing the quality learning process according to the standards set(learning monitoring and evaluation instruments). The routine study program activities such as the implementation of advice (beginning, middle, end of the semester), making lecture schedules, selection of student admissions and the implementation of UTS and UAS are always monitored both on time and quality of implementation. UPM also always actively participates in activities related to AMI (internal monitoring and evaluation) which are carried out regularly. The role played by UPM is primarily to assist study programs in preparing the necessary documents, assisting in completing the data, and controlling its accuracy. In various accreditation activities, UPM also plays a major role in helping to complete the necessary data and documents and in preparing SAR. UPM also acts to notify/remind the Department's functionaries for the implementation of the Department's activities in accordance with the RBA. In carrying out its duties, UPM compiles a work program that is aligned with study program activities and makes a report on the implementation of activities which is submitted to the quality assurance group at the faculty level, namely GPM. Other activities carried out are coordinating with GPM (Faculty) and SPM(University) so that there is harmony in the quality assurance of the study programs carried out.
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