Karya ilmiah dosen Program Studi Biologi dalam tiga tahun terakhir:
No. |
Judul |
Nama-nama Dosen |
Dihasilkan/ Dipublikasikan Pada |
Tahun Penyajian/ Publikasi |
Tingkat |
Lokal |
Nasional |
Internasional |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
(7) |
(8) |
1 |
Bivalves of the intertidal zone of Madura Island, Indonesia |
Ambarwati R, Faizah U. |
3rd Southeast Asian Gateway Evolution Meeting. Bogor, Indonesia |
2017 |
V |
2 |
Identifikasi Spesies Sand Bubbler Crabs di Pantai Camplong Madura. |
Erlix R Purnama |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2017 Februari 2017, Unesa |
2017 |
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3 |
Perilaku Makan Sand Bubbler Crabs di Pantai Camplong Madura |
Erlix R Purnama |
Seminar Nasional Biologi Unesa 2017. |
2017 |
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4 |
Pemberian Probiotik dalam Pakan untuk Budidaya Ikan Lele |
Dyah Hariani, Tarzan Purnomo |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2017 Universitas Negeri Surabaya. |
2017 |
V |
5 |
Kelimpahan Hama Kedelai Melalui Pemanfaatan Bioinsektisida Formula Foto Protektan yang Efektif |
Evie Ratnasari |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2017 |
2017 |
V |
6 |
Efektivitas Media Video Pembelajaran Kultur Jaringan Anggrek (Orchidaceae) Berbasis Pinnacle Untuk Siswa SMA |
Evie Ratnasari |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2017 |
2017 |
V |
7 |
Food Effectiveness Of "FERMEGE": The Food Fermentation Produced Of Mixed Water Hyacinth, Solid Dreg Of Tofu Factory And Dried Green Kangkong To Increase The Weight Body Of Goat In The Growth Phase And Birth Number Of Female Goat |
Evie Ratnasari |
International joint Conference On Science and technology, Bali, Oktober |
2017 |
V |
8 |
Applying The Final Waste Management System In Science Education Study Program, Science and Mathematic Faculty, Surabaya State Unversity Can Create The Professional Science Educations Teachers |
Winarsih |
International Conference on Science Education.11 November 2017, Program Studi Pendidikan IPA, Fakultas MIPA, UNESA |
2017 |
V |
9 |
Efektivitas Media Video Pembelajaran Kultur Jaringan Anggrek (Orchidaceae) Berbasis Pinnacle Untuk Siswa SMA |
Evie Ratnasari |
Seminar Nasional Biologi Unesa 2017. Februari 2017 |
2017 |
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10 |
Penerapan Lembar Kerja Mahasiswa (LKM) Berbasis Inkuiri Pada Mata Kuliah Ilmu Hara Untuk Melatihkan Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis dan Kreatif Mahasiswa Biologi Angkatan 2014 |
Sari Kusuma Dewi |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2017 Universitas Negeri Surabaya |
2017 |
V |
11 |
Kepraktisan Preparat Pewarnaan Gram Bakteri dan LKS pada Konsep Archae- bacteria dan Eubacteria Kelas X SMA |
Trimulyono, G. |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2017 (IP2B). Unesa Surabaya 2017 |
2017 |
V |
12 |
Pheretima recemosa yang ditemukan di Bangkalan |
Widowati Budijastuti, Nur Ducha, Dyah Hariani, Sunu Kuntjoro |
Seminar Nasional Biologi. Unesa |
2017 |
V |
13 |
Kajian In Silico Tanin Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss. Sebagai Obat Herbal Kanker Payudara
Novita Kartika I |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2017, Unesa |
2017 |
V |
14 |
Pengembangan Inovasi Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Daya Saing Global Judul Makalah : Pembentukan Sistem Pemilahan dan Pengolahan Sampah Tuntas Skala Kawasan Untuk Antisipasi Bencana Sampah |
Winarsih |
Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Jawa Timur. 25 Oktober 2017 |
2017 |
V |
15 |
The Changes of Environment Factors and Aquatik Organism Biodiversity in East Coast of Sidoarjo Due to Lapindo Hotmud |
Tarzan Purnomo |
International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 27-28 September 2017, Bali, Indonesia |
2017 |
V |
16 |
The Specific Species Pattern Of Earthworms In Contamined Area With Heavy Metals |
Widowati Budijastuti, Nur Ducha, Dyah Hariani, Sunu Kuntjoro |
Seminar International. 2017. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, Oktober Bali |
2017 |
V |
17 |
Keanekaragaman Hewan Vertebrata di Area Pertambakan Wonorejo Surabaya
Rakmawati, Siti Sundari, Reni Ambarwati, Ulfi Faizah |
Seminar Nasional Inovasi Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Biologi I. Surabaya, Februari 2017 |
2017 |
V |
18 |
Effectivness of Ruminant Feed Formula from the Fermented Eichornia crassipes to Increase Biomassa and Reproduction |
Herlina Fitrihidajati, Isnawati, Evie Ratnasari |
The 2th IJST in Bali |
2017 |
V |
19 |
The Role of Teak Leaves (Tectona grandis), Rhizobium and Vesicular Arbuscular Mychorrhizae on Improving Soil Structure andbSoil Nutrition |
Yuliani, Yuni SR |
The 2nd UPI International Conference on Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference Exploring Ideas For Young Researchers In Advanced Science and Technology (AASEC). UPI Bandung, 24 Agustus 2017 |
2017 |
V |
20 |
The Using of Fenolic Compounds of Pluchea indica Less Leaves extracts as A Bioinsecticide and Bioherbicide |
Yuliani, Yuni SR |
The 2 nd International joint Conference on Science and Technology. Nusa Dua Bali Indonesia, 27-28 September 2017 |
2017 |
V |
21 |
The Implementation of Learning Cycles 7E to Train the Critical Thinking Skills of Biology Education Students through Lesson Study Activities
Yuliani, Sari KD, Yuni SR |
The Word Association of Leson Studies International Conference Nagoya University, Jepang, 24-26 November 2017 |
2017 |
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0 |
13 |
8 |
22 |
Application of Acetobacter xylinum in The Production of Nata de Legen from Palmyra Palm Neera
Mahanani Tri Asri, Evie Ratnasari, Nur Ducha, Ahmad Bashri |
MISEIC 2018 (Mathematics, Informatics, Science, Educa-tion International (Conference) 21 Juli 2018 in Surabaya |
2018 |
V |
23 |
Phenetic Relationship of Pasuruan Snake fruits(Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.)Voss.)
Novita Kartika I, Serafinah I, Estri Laras A., Rodiyati A |
A Joint Conference of Brawija- ya University & Reitsumeiken University The 9th International Conference on Global Resources Conference Conservation (ICGRC) 2018, Universitas Brawijaya |
2018 |
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24 |
SWOT Analysis based on society perception and appreciation to support snakefruits (Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss.) conservation strategy in the East Java |
Novita Kartika I., Serafinah I, Estri Laras A., Rodiyati A. |
International Conference on Science and Technology 2018, Bali |
2018 |
V |
25 |
Analisis Buku Ajar Biologi SMA Kelas X Materi Animalia-Invertebrata Berdasarkan Aktivitas Belajar |
Rakmawati, Reni Ambarwati) |
Seminar Nasional Inovasi Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Biologi II. Surabaya, Februari 2018 |
2018 |
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26 |
Variasi Bentuk Osikula Pada Teripang Colochirus quadrangularis Di Pantai Jumiang Pamekasan. |
Erlix R Purnama |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2018. Februari 2018, Unesa |
2018 |
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27 |
Identifikasi Senyawa Aktif Hasil Analisis LCMS pada Ekstrak Etanol Holothuria leucospilota dari Pantai Selatan Madura. |
Erlix R Purnama |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2018. |
2018 |
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28 |
Epitope Mapping of Capsid Protein L1 from Human Papillomavirus to Development Cervical Cancer Vaccine through Computational Study. |
Erlix R Purnama |
MISEIC 2018 July 2018, Surabaya |
2018 |
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29 |
Decomposition Rate Of Many Organic Waste Using Innovatif Biopore |
Winarsih |
5th International Conference Advance Molecular Biosciense and Biomedical Engineering/ICAMBBE. Tanggal 3-4 September 2018 |
2018 |
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30 |
Hasil Degradasi Sampah Basah Dengan Metode Tong Komposter Multifungsi |
Winarsih |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2018. Tanggal 17 Pebruari 2018 |
2018 |
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31 |
Production Performance with Probiotic Use in Feed with Addition of Spices as An Environmentally Friendly Catfish Cultivation Engineering |
Dyah Hariani, Rahayu D.A , Kusuma, P.S.W |
International Conference On Scien Ce And Technology 2018, Member Of IJCST Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, 18th—19th October 2018 |
2018 |
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32 |
Efek kualitas spermatozoa secara laboratorium akibat induksi laserpunktur pada induk lele jantan |
Dyah Hariani, Tarzan Purnomo, Erlix R Purnama, Pungky SW Kusuma |
Seminar Nasional LPM UNESA di Hotel Papilio Surabaya, tanggal 27 Oktober 2018 |
2018 |
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33 |
Study of Kana (Canna sp.) and Butterfly (Bauhinia purpurea) Plants as Pb Absorbents |
Sunu Kuntjoro, Fida Rachmadiarti |
International Conference On Science And Technology 2018, Member Of IJCST Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, 18th—19th October 2018 |
2018 |
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34 |
Soil Physic and Chemistry Characteristics on Pesticide Application of Soybean Land in Jombang, Lamongan and Probolinggo |
Mahanani Tri Asri, Yuliani, Evie Ratnasari |
International Conference On Science And Technology 2018, Member Of IJCST Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, 18th—19th October 2018 |
2018 |
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35 |
Pelestarian Tanaman Stroberi Secara In Vitro Dengan Menggunakan Berbagai Sumber Karbon |
Evie Ratnasari |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2018, Februar2018 |
2018 |
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36 |
Improving the Quality of Goat Sperm Through the Implementation of Fermented Feed Based on Water Hyacinth: Fermege Formula 3 |
Evie Ratnasari, Herlina Fitrihidajati, Isnawati |
Seminar Internasional ICST in Bali |
2018 |
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37 |
Impact of Lapindo Hot Mud Flowing on Macrozoobenthos Communities in Estuary Porong, East Coast Sidoarjo Regency East Java |
Tarzan Purnomo, Fida Rachmadiarti, |
International Conference On Science And Technology 2018, Member Of IJCST Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, 18th—19th October 2018 |
2018 |
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38 |
Studi Implementasi Sistem Pengelolaan Ekowisata bahari di Jawa timr Berdasarkan Prinsip-Prinsip Pariwisata berkelanjutan dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Kelestarian Ekosistem Pesisir |
Tarzan Purnomo,
Seminar Nasional Biologi 20181. Februari 2018, Universitas Negeri Surabaya |
2018 |
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39 |
Effectiveness of Fermented Feed "Fermege Formula 3" Made of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), Kale and Tofu Dreg in Triggering of The Goat Growth |
Herlina Fitrihidajati, Isnawati, Evie Ratnasari |
International Symposium Microbial Ecology, UGM, Yogyakarta November 2018 |
2018 |
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40 |
Development of Student Worksheet Based on Inquiry in Carbohydrate Metabolism Material to Increase Study Results of 2015 Biology Education Student . |
Sari Kusuma Dewi, Yuliani, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
International Conference On Science And Technology 2018, Member Of IJCST Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, 18th—19th October 2018 |
2018 |
V |
41 |
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Inkuiri Materi Metabolisme Karbohidrat Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi 2015 |
Sari Kusuma Dewi, |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2017 Universitas Negeri Surabaya.18 Februari 2017, Universitas Negeri Surabaya |
2018 |
V |
42 |
Effectiveness of inquiry learning model in photosynthesis and respiration material to increase of science process skills for biology education students |
Yuliani, Yuni SR, Sari KD |
International Conference on Educational Research (ICER) 2018:Challenging Educationfor Future Change 8 - 9 September 2018 ,Khon Kaen University.Thailand |
2018 |
V |
43 |
The Morphological, Anatomical, and Physiological Characteristic of Elephantopus scaber as explant source for Tissue Culture |
Yuliani, Fida R, Sari KD, Mahanani TA |
The 3 nd International joint Conference on Science and Technology Nusa Dua Bali Indonesia,18-19 Oktober 2018 |
2018 |
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44 |
Profil Kemampuan Guru IPA Magetan Dalam Membuat Soal Latihan Ujian Nasional Sesuai Standar Ketercapaian Lulusan |
Evie Ratnasari |
Seminar Nasional Biologi Unesa 2018, Februari 2018 |
2018 |
V |
45 |
Student's View of Environmental Awareness and Energy Conservation Activities in Campus |
Laily Rosdiana, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Hasan Subekti, Dhita Ayu Purnama Sari |
3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018) |
2018 |
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46 |
Specific Oxygen Reaction Through Analysis of Malondialdehyde in The Body of Methapire postuma |
Widowati Budijastuti, Nur Ducha, Dyah Hariani, Sunu Kuntjoro |
International Conference On Science And Technology 2018, Member Of IJCST Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, 18th—19th October 2018 |
2018 |
V |
47 |
Potensi Keanekaragaman Fauna Vertebrata Di Labuhan Mangrove Education Park Bangkalan Madura |
Faizah, L., Ambarwati, R |
Seminar Nasional IP2B. Unesa, 2018 .18 Februari 2017, Universitas Negeri Surabaya |
2018 |
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48 |
Characterization of Microorganism Isolated From "Fermege": The Ruminant Fermented Feed from Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) |
Isnawati, Guntur Trimulyono
International Conference On Science And Technology 2018, Member Of IJCST Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, 18th—19th October 2018 |
2018 |
V |
49 |
Indigenous Bacteria Community Fluctuation During Fermentation of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and Corncob (Zea mays) |
Isnawati , Guntur Trimulyono
Seminar MISEIC 2018 |
2018 |
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50 |
Pengaruh Pakan “Fermege Formula 3” Terhadap Kualitas Daging Kambing |
Evie Ratnasari |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2018, Februari 2018 |
2018 |
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51 |
Pengembangan Kurikulum Berbasis Ecopreneurship di Jurusan Biologi F.MIPA Unesa) |
Herlina Fitrihidajati, Endang Susantini, Nur Ducha |
Seminar Nasional LPPM Unesa |
2018 |
V |
52 |
Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Berbasis Inkuiri Materi Metabolisme Karbohidrat Pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan Biologi 2015 |
Sari Kusuma Dewi Yuliani, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2018 Universitas Negeri Surabaya |
2018 |
V |
53 |
Development of Student Worksheet Based on Inquiry in Carbohydrate Metabolism Material to Increase Study Results of 2015 Biology Education Student |
Sari Kusuma Dewi |
International Conference On Science And Technology (ICST) 2018. 18 Oktober 2018, Nusa Dua Bali |
2018 |
V |
54 |
Histopatology Of natural Enemy Tomcat (Paederus Sp) In Soybean Field Aplied By Biochemical And Microbial Biopesticides |
Mahanani Tri Asri |
International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (InSME 2018) on 7-8 November 2018 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. |
2018 |
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0 |
13 |
20 |
55 |
The effect of laserpunc ture induction as an efforts to accelerate spermatogenesis in male broodstock catfish (clarias sp.) |
Dyah Hariani, Firas Khaleyla, Pungky S.W. Kusuma |
International Conference on Research and Academic Com- munity Services (ICRACOS) September 7th 2019 Golden Truly Legacy Surabaya |
2019 |
V |
56 |
Efek induksi laserpunktur mempercepat peningkatan gsi dan hsi induk lele jantan |
Dyah Hariani, Tarzan Purnomo, Erlix RP |
Seminar Nasional Biologi “Inovasi Penelitian dan Pendidik FMIPA UNESA, Surabaya. 28 Maret 2019an Biologi III (IP2B III) 2019” |
2019 |
V |
57 |
Dyah Hariani, Dwi Rahayu Anggorowati, Pungky SW Kusuma |
THE 8TH ICMAC 2019. 15-16 November 2019 Fairfield by Mariott Legian, Ba |
2019 |
V |
58 |
Validity of E-Learning Module In Genetic Courses As One of The Technology Information Based Learning Innovations |
Guntur Trimulyono |
International Conference on Research and Academic Community Services (ICRACOS) September 7th 2019 Golden Truly Legacy Surabaya |
2019 |
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59 |
Effect of Addition of Different Egg Yolks in Basic Tris-Soya Diluent on Quality, Membrane Integrity of Senduro Goat Sperm, and Free Radicals during Storage at Temperature of 4-5o C |
Nur Ducha,Widowati Budijastuti, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu |
International Conference (MISEIC 2019) Atlantis Press |
2019 |
V |
60 |
Endemic Bacteria Potential For Decomposing Pesticide Prophenophos And Chlorantraniliprole From Pesticide-Exposed Soybean Field In East Java |
Mahanani Tri Asri |
Seminar Internasional Miseic di Unesa Surabaya tanggal 28 September 2019 |
2019 |
V |
61 |
The effectiveness of nutrient variation to hydroponic Caisim (Brassica juncea L.) growth |
Sari Kusuma Dewi, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Ahmad Bashri |
MISEIC 2019 |
2019 |
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62 |
Morphological Variation Madura Snakefruits
Novita Kartika I., Serafinah I, Estri Laras A., Rodiyati A. |
ISSMART 2019, Malang |
2019 |
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63 |
Pengelolaan Ekowisata Mangrove di Desa Daun Bawean Berbasis Konservasi Sumberdaya Kelautan |
Tarzan Purnomo |
Seminar Nasional Biologi 2019 . 23 Maret 2019, Universitas Negeri Surabaya |
2019 |
V |
64 |
Biodiversity and Existing Condition of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Kondang Merak Beach Malang |
Tarzan Purnomo |
The 3rd Mathematics Informatics Science Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019). 28 September 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia |
2019 |
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65 |
Plankton Diversity in Intertidal Zone Kondang Merak Beach Distict of Malang, East Java |
Tarzan Purnomo |
International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST). 17-19 October 2019, Surabaya, Indonesia |
2019 |
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66 |
Preference swiftlet bird (Aerodramus fuciphagus) nesting at different sites in an effort to increase nest production |
Sunu Kuntjoro |
International Join Conference on Science and Technology /IJCST. 2019, Surabaya |
2019 |
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67 |
Study of Recycling Center (PDU) Jambangan Village, Surabaya City Based on Technical Instructions TPS 3 R |
Winarsih |
International Joint Conference on Science and Technology (IJCST) 2019 |
2019 |
V |
68 |
Student Response on Solving Waste Problem in Department of Biology through Conservation of Natural Resources and Environment Course |
Winarsih |
Mathematic, Information, Science, Engginering Education International Conference, MISEIC 2019 20 Nopember 2019 |
2019 |
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69 |
Aktivitas Senyawa 3,5,7-Octatrien-2-Ol, 2,6-Dimethyl dari Ekstrak Zodia sebagai Kandidat Obat Antikanker Paru-Paru Secara In Silico |
Erlix RP |
Semnas BIOSPER 2019. September 2019, Tasikmalaya |
2019 |
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70 |
Hepar Histology of Mice(Mus musculus L) that Indicated by Pre-Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 (Pre-Type 2 DM) After Red Rice Yeast Treatment |
Erlix RP |
MISEIC 2019. September 2019, Surabaya |
2019 |
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71 |
Effectiveness of Evodiamine and Evodone in Silico to Ovarian Cancer |
Erlix RP |
SNK 2019 October 2019, Surabaya |
2019 |
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72 |
Digital Literacy Content Analysis in The Biology Textbooks on Animalia Material |
I D T Putri, Reni Ambarwati |
Seminar Nasional Inovasi Penelitian dan Pembelajaran Biologi III. Surabaya, 23 Maret 2019 |
2019 |
V |
73 |
The Population of Solen sp. (Bivalvia: Solenidae) from Pamekasan, Indonesia |
Reni Ambarwati, Bambang Irawan |
1st International Conference on Biodiversity (IcoBioDiv) Sustainable Solution for Human Welfare. Surabaya, 17-18 Oktober 2019 |
2019 |
V |
74 |
Bird Diversity of Resort Ranu Darungan, Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park, Indonesia |
Boni Herdiawan, Reni Ambarwati, Toni Artaka |
1st International Conference on Biodiversity (IcoBioDiv) Sustainable Solution for Human Welfare. Surabaya, 17-18 Oktober 2019 |
2019 |
V |
75 |
The Potency and Food Safety of Lamp Shells (Brachiopoda: Lingula sp.) as Food Resources |
R Ambarwati, D A Rahayu, U Faizah |
Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019). Surabaya, 28 Oktober 2019 |
2019 |
V |
76 |
The Potency of Ageratum conyzoides as Biopeticides |
Yuliani, Yuni SR |
The 2nd International Sympo- sium on TropicForestry and Envuironmental Sciences (ISTFES) Tanjung Redeb.East Kalimantan; 4-6 September 2019 |
2019 |
V |
77 |
In vitro Propagation of Elephantopus scaber linn. Through seeds As an explant in various Culture Growth Medium |
Yuliani, Fida R, Sari KD, Mahanani TA |
Mathematics, Informatics, Science and Education International Conference Wyndham Hotel, 28 September 2019 |
2019 |
V |
78 |
Kearifan Lokal Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan dan hewan Sebagai Motif Batik di Proppo Pamekasan |
Yuliani, Susanti, Sari KD, Novita KI |
Seminar nasional dan Workshop Biologi-IPA dan Pembelajarannya ke 4 |
2019 |
V |
79 |
Implementation of Project Based Learning in Eichornia crassipes Fermentation by Lesson Study to Train Creative Thinking of College Student in Waste Management Course. |
Herlina Fitrihidajati, Fida Rachmadiarti, Winarsih |
ICLS X Padang 2019 |
2019 |
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0 |
6 |
19 |
0 |
32 |
47 |
1 |
Content of Heavy Metals (Pb, Cd, and Se) on Agricultural Land Contaminated Hot Mud Porong and The Impact on Safety of Agricultural Product |
Tarzan Purnomo, Sugiyanto |
Advanced Science Letters Jurnal online Vol.23 No.12 Desember 2017 |
2017 |
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2 |
Pengaruh Elisitor Al3+ Terhadap Akumulasi Daidzein Dan Genistein Pada Kalus Phaseolus vulgaris L. Dan Phaseolus aureus Roxb. |
Sari Kusuma Dewi, Wahyu Widoretno, Warsito |
STIGMA. Volume 10 Nomer 02 Tahun 2017 |
2017 |
V |
3 |
Colour and Morphometric Variation of Donacid Bivalves from Nepa Beach, Madura Island, Indonesia |
Ambarwati, R., Faizah, U. |
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education |
2017 |
V |
4 |
The relationship of physical and chemical conditions of CEP diluent with egg yolk addition to bull spermatozoa quality before and after storage at temperature of 4-5°C |
Nur Ducha |
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2017) 012208. doi :10.1088/ 1742-6596/ 953/1/012208. Scopus indexed, |
2017 |
V |
5 |
Effect Egg Yolk in CEP Extender for Sperm Capacitation of Bull During Storage at Tempe rature 4–5 °C |
Nur Ducha Trinil Susilawati Aulanni’am Sri Wahyuningsih |
Journal of Advanced Science Letters Volume 23, Number 12 |
2017 |
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6 |
Pembentukan Sistem Pemilahan dan Pengolahan Sampah Tuntas Skala Kawasan Untuk Antisipasi Bencana Sampah |
Winarsih |
Prosiding Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Jawa Timur. ISBN 01/25/X/2017 |
2017 |
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7 |
The Effectiveness of Different Diluent Media as the Storage Medium for Human Sperm: To Maintain Its Quality |
Isnawati Tjandrakirana Nur Ducha |
Journa of Advanced Science Letters. Volume 23, Number 12 |
2017 |
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8 |
Biokonservasi Plasma Nutfah Indonesia dengan Teknologi Penyimpanan Spermatozoa |
Nur Ducha |
Makalah utama dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi Unesa 2017 |
2017 |
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9 |
Karakteristik Aktifitas Harian Lovebird Jantan Sebelum dan Setelah Pemberian Sotong dan Biji Bunga Matahari |
Nur Ducha Ulfi Faizah Mahanani Tri Asri |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hayati, Universitas PGRI Kediri |
2017 |
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10 |
Induksi Laserpunktur Pada Titik Reproduksi Terhadap Peningkatan Kadar Testosteron Dan Peningkatan Nilai Gonado Somatic Index (GSI) Induk Lele Jantan (Clarias sp) |
Pungky Slamet Wisnu Kusuma, Dyah Hariani |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Penelitian Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang, Volume 1, Agustus 2017. |
2017 |
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11 |
Percepatan Pemijahan Lele Dengan Induksi Laserpunktur Untuk Memproduk si Benih Skala Massal |
Dyah Hariani, Pungky Slamet Wisnu Kusuma |
Jurnal Pengabdian LPPM Untag Surabaya E-ISSN: 2407-7100 September 2017, Vol. 02, No. 03, hal 16 – 25 |
2017 |
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12 |
The Effect of Combine between Protein Dietary Level Variation and Laserpuncture Induction on Catfish (Clarias sp) Oocyte Development |
Dyah Hariani, Erlix R Purnama, Pungky Slamet Wisnu Kusuma |
American Science Letters. Volume 23/Nomor 12/Tahun 2017 |
2017 |
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13 |
Docking Molekuler Senyawa Metabolit Sekunder Lantana camara Sebagai Antiinflamasi Terhadap Enzim Cox-1 |
Erlix R Purnama, |
Jurnal Biota Volume 4/Nomor 2/ Tahun 2018 p 79-83 |
2017 |
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14 |
Effect of Laser Puncture and Varied Protein Diets on the Vitellogenin Level and Gonadosomatic Index of African Catfish (Clarias Sp.) Fed for 8 Weeks |
Pungky Slamet Wisnu Kusuma, Dyah Hariani |
International Journal of Innova-tive Studies in Aquatic Biology and Fisheries (IJISABF) Volume 3, Issue 1, 2017, PP 38-45 ISSN 2454-7662 (Print) & ISSN 2454-7670 (Online) |
2017 |
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15 |
The Role of Laserpuncture Exposure On Gonad Maturation Mechanism Of Catfish (Clarias sp) Through Ca2+, PKC and GABA Neutransmitter |
Pungky Slamet Wisnu Kusuma, Dyah Hariani |
Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research. Vol.43, Issue:4, Desember 2017 |
2017 |
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16 |
Nest Development of Two Type Edible Nest In Gresik, East Java. |
Kuntjoro, S |
ASL. Volume 23, Number 12, December 2017; http://www.ingentaconnect .com/contentone/asp/asl/20 17/00000023/00000012/art 00086 |
2017 |
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17 |
Colour and Morphometric Variation of Donacid Bivalves from Nepa Beach, Madura Island, Indonesia |
Reni Ambarwati, Trijoko |
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education 9(3)/2017/466-473 |
2017 |
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18 |
The Formulation Of Biopesticide Combination Spltmnpv Virus, Beauveria bassiana And Neem Seed (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) As Biocontrol Agents Against Soybean Pest |
Ratnasari, E., Mahanani T.A. Winarsih |
Advance Science Letters. Vol 23 Number 12, Desember 2017 |
2017 |
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19 |
Pemanfaatan Bioinsektisida Mikroba dan Nabati dalam Formula Foto-Protektan yang Efektif untuk Mengendalikan Hama Kedelai dan Aman Bagi Agroekosistem |
Evie Ratnasari |
Advance Science Letters. Vol 23. Number 12, December 2017. |
2017 |
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20 |
Effectiveness of Ruminant Feed Formula From the Fermented Water Hyacinth (Eichornia crassipes) to Produce the High Level Protein of Goat Meat |
Herlina Fitrihidajati, Evie Ratnasari Isnawati |
ASL (American Sciene Letters) Vol 23 Number 12, Desember 2017 |
2017 |
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21 |
Designing Easy DNA Extraction: Teaching Creativity Through Laboratory Practice . |
Susanti, E., Isnawati, Trimulyono, G. Lisa Lisdiana |
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education (Scopus). Vol. 45 Issue 3. 2017.https://iubmb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15393429 |
2017 |
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22 |
The effectiveness of appreciative problem solving strategy to grow innovative ideas |
Rinie Pratiwi P, Leny Yuanita, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
International Confertence on Education Innovation (ICEI) 2017. Link: http://icei.conference.unesa.ac.id/proceeding/ |
2017 |
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23 |
Pengaruh Penambahan Alfa Tokoferol dalam Pengencer CEP-D terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Sapi Limousin yang Disimpan pada Suhu Beku |
Eka Ayu, Ayu Astrini, Nur Ducha, Nur Kuswanti |
LenteraBio Vol 6 No 2 : 27-31 (2017) Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya ISSN: 2252-3979. http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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24 |
Potensi Konsorsium Tiga dan Empat Isolat Bakteri Endofit dari Akar Tanaman Ubi Jalar varietas Papua Patippi dalam Memproduksi IAA |
Dwiliam Budiyanti Sumpethanaya, Yuliani, Lisa Lisdiana |
LenteraBio Vol 6 No 2 : 32-37 (2017) Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya ISSN: 2252-3979. http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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25 |
Potensi Bakteri Endofit Akar Ubi Jalar Varietas Papua Patippi dalam Melarutkan Fosfat secara In Vitro |
Ana Mariatul Khiftiyah, Yuliani, Lisa Lisdiana |
LenteraBio Vol 6 No 2 : 27-31 (2017) Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya ISSN: 2252-3979. http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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26 |
Pengaruh Timbal (Pb) terhadap Kandungan Klorofil Kiambang (Salvinia molesta) |
Maria Ulfah, Fida Rachmadiarti, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
LenteraBio Vol 6 No 2 : 44-48 (2017) Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya ISSN: 2252-3 http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio 979. |
2017 |
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27 |
Identifikasi Isolat Bakteri Endofit B2 dan B3 dari Akar Tanaman Ubi Jalar Berdasarkan Sekuens 16S rDNA |
Hilda Zumrona , Yuliani, Lisa Lisdiana |
LenteraBio Vol 6 No 2 : 49-53 (2017) Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya ISSN: 2252-3979. http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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28 |
The relationship of physical and chemical conditions of CEP diluent with egg yolk addition to bull spermatozoa quality before and after storage at temperature of 4-5°C |
Nur Ducha Dyah Hariani Widowati Budijastuti |
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 953 (2017) 012208 doi :10.1088/17426596/953/ 1/012208 Scopus indexed, ID: 55619610100. http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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Pengaruh Penambahan Fruktosa Pada Pengencer Dasar Tris-Citric-Acid Soya (Tcs) Terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Kambing Boer Pasca-Pembekuan |
Dio Bekti Pamungkas, Tjandrakirana, Nur Ducha |
LenteraBio Vol 6 No 1 : 6-9 (2017) Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya ISSN: 2252-3 http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio 979. |
2017 |
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30 |
Potensi Konsorsium Bakteri Endofit dari Akar Tanaman Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas) Varietas Papua Patippi dalam Menambat Nitrogen |
Iskhawatun Amanah, Yuliani, Lisa Lisdiana |
LenteraBio Vol 6 No 1 : 10-15 (2017) Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya ISSN: 2252-3979. http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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31 |
Profil Protein Semanggi Air (Marsilea crenata) yang Ditanam pada Kombinasi Media Tanam Lumpur Lapindo dan Tanah Alfisol |
Rizki K Hidayati, Fida Rachmadiarti, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
LenteraBio Vol 6 No 1 :16-22 (2017) Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya ISSN: 2252-3979 http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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32 |
Pengaruh Penambahan Soya dalam Pengencer Dasar Tris-Citric Acid-Fructose (TCF) terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Kambing Boer Pasca Pembekuan |
Lucky Noviansyah , Tjandrakirana, Nur Ducha |
LenteraBio Vol 6 No 1 :23-26(2017) Publisher: Universitas Negeri Surabaya ISSN: 2252-3979. http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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33 |
Efektivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Lichen Parmelia sulcata terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Shigella dysenteriae dan Bacillus cereus |
Frida Purwanti, Isnawati Isnawati, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol 6, No 3: 55-61(2017). ISSN: 2252-3979 http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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34 |
Identifikasi Isolat Bakteri Endofit A1 dan B1 dari Akar Tanaman Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas) Var. Papua Patippi Berdasarkan Karakter Fenotipik |
Ega Heryani Putri, Yuliani Yuliani, Lisa Lisdiana |
LenteraBio Vol 6, No 3 :62-69 (2017). http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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35 |
Kualitas Perairan Kali Lamong Berdasarkan Keanekaragaman Plankton |
Erma Luki Nastiti, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Novita Kartika Indah |
LenteraBio Vol 6, No 3 :70-75 (2017). http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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36 |
Pemanfaatan Sampah Daun Trembesi (Samanea saman) dan Daun Angsana (Pterocarpus indicus) sebagai Bahan Baku Kompos |
Fariska Fauziyah, Winarsih, Herlina Fitrihidajati |
LenteraBio Vol 6, No 3 : 76-79(2017). http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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37 |
Produksi Hormon IAA oleh Bakteri Endofit dari Akar Tanaman Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas) dalam Media Limbah Cair Tahu |
Fuad Hidayatullah, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Lisa Lisdiana |
LenteraBio Vol 6, No 3 : 80-85. (2017). http://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio |
2017 |
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38 |
Temperature Range and Degree of Acidity Growth of Isolate of Indigenous Bacteria On Fermented Feed “Fermege” |
Isnawati Guntur Trimulyono |
Conf. Series 953 012209. Journal of Physycs |
2017 |
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39 |
Plant Leaf Recognition Using Competitive Based Learning Algorithm |
E. M. Imah, Yuni Sri Rahayu, A. Wintarti |
2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017)IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (2018) 012058 |
2017 |
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40 |
Strengthening the 21st Century Skills of Elementary School Students through the Implementation of Project Based Learning |
Riyadi, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 108 Social. Sciences, Humanities and Economics Conference (SoSHEC 2017) |
2017 |
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41 |
Improving Students’ Scientific Arguments Guided Inquiry Ability Through Student Textbook
Bagus R Wijaya, Yuni Sri Rahayu, R Agustini |
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 108 Social. Sciences, Humanities and Economics Conference (SoSHEC 2017) |
2017 |
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42 |
Physiological Demands of Playing Field Hockey Game at Sub Elite Players |
W Kusnanik, Yuni Sri Rahayu, B Rattray |
The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017). IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (2018) 012112 doi:10.1088/1757- 899X/288/1/012112 |
2017 |
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43 |
Developing Learning Model P3E to Improve Students’Critical Thinking Skills of Islamic Senior High School |
Bahtiar, Y S Rahayu, Wasis |
MISEIC 2017. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 947 (2018) 012067 doi :10.1088/1742- 6596/947/1/012067 |
2017 |
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44 |
Development of Problem-Based Learning Oriented Teaching Learning Materials to Facilitate Students’ Mastery of Concept and Critical Thinking Skill
M Reza, M Ibrahim, Y S Rahayu |
MISEIC 2017. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 947 (2018) 012062 doi:10.1088/1742- 6596/947/1/012062 |
2017 |
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45 |
Development of biology student worksheets to facilitate science process skills of student |
Y S Rahayu, R Pratiwi, S Indana |
The Consortium of Asia- Paci fic Education Universities (CAPEU) 2017 IOP Publishing. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 296 (2018) 012044 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/ 296/1/012044 |
2017 |
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46 |
Implementation of science process skills using ICT-based approach to facilitate student life skills |
Y S Rahayu, Yuliani, B R Wijaya |
The Consortium of Asia- Pacific Education Universities IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 296 (2018) 012035 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/ 296/1/012035 |
2017 |
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47 |
Designing Easy DNA Extraction: Teaching Creativity Through Laboratory Practice
Endang Susantini, Lisa Lisdiana, Isnawati, A Tanzih Al Haq, Guntur Trimulyono |
Biology Education (Scopus). Volume 45, Number 3, May/June 2017, Pages 216–225 https://iubmb.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/15393429 |
2017, |
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22 |
24 |
48 |
Environmentally Friendly Catfish Cultivation Engineering: Probiotic Use in Feed with Addition of Spices”. |
Dyah Hariani, DA Rahayu, PSW Kusuma |
Proceedings International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018). Atlantis Highlights in Engineering (AHE) Publication Date December 2018. Volume 1: 645-651 ISBN 978-94-6252-650-1 ISSN 2589-4943 DOIhttps://doi.org/10.2991/icst-18.2018.132 Link: https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/icst-18/55910917 |
2018 |
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49 |
Variasi morfologi dan kemelimpahan Donax faba (Bivalvia: Donacidae) di Pantai Tengket Bangkalan Madura |
D F Alyani, Reni Ambarwati |
Biotropic (Terindeks DOAJ) 29(2)/2018/73-84 http://jurnalsaintek.uinsby.ac.id/index.php/biotropic/article/view/292 |
2018 |
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50 |
Keanekaragaman Makrofauna dan Makroflora Air di Waduk Sumengko Kabupaten Gresik |
Vuji Irma Arviani, Fida Rachmadiarti, Reni Ambarwati |
LenteraBio: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Terakreditasi Peringkat 4). 7(2)/2018 https://jurnalmahasiswa.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio/article/view/28368 |
2018 |
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51 |
Kemelimpahan Lalat Buah (Diptera: Tephritidae) yang Menyerang Jambu biji Kristal (Psidium guajava) di Perkebunan Dlanggu, Mojokerto |
Rafida Hani Alima, Sunu Kuntjoro, Reni Ambarwati |
Lentera Bio: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Terakreditasi Peringkat 4). 7(2)/2018 https://jurnalmahasiswa.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio/article/view/28370 |
2018 |
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52 |
Identifikasi Jenis Protozoa Ektoparasit pada Udang Vaname (Penaeus vannamei) di Lahan Pertambakan Tradisional Daerah Bangil dan Glagah |
Jenni Widiani, Reni Ambarwati |
LenteraBio: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Terakreditasi Peringkat 4). 7(2)/2018 https://jurnalmahasiswa.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio/article/view/28390 |
2018 |
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53 |
Karakter Morfologi dan Morfometri Kerang Eres dan Jubing (Bivalvia: Pharidae) |
Dwi Ulfa Apriliana, Reni Ambarwati |
LenteraBio: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Terakreditasi Peringkat 4) 7(3)/2018 https://jurnalmahasiswa.unesa.ac.id/index.php/lenterabio/article/view/ |
2018 |
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54 |
Kemampuan Tapak Dara Air (Ludwigia adscendens) sebagai Fitoremediator dalam Menurunkan Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) pada Perairan yang Tercemar Lumpur Lapindo, Sidoarjo |
Amrina Rosyada* dan Tarzan Purnomo |
LenteraBio: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Terakreditasi Peringkat 4) 7(3)/2018
2018 |
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55 |
Motilitas Spermatozoa Sapi Limousin dalam Pengencer CEP-D dengan Penambahan Serum Darah Sapi sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Bovine Serum Albumin
Rina Aisyah Puspitasari*, Nur Ducha, Erlix Rakhmad Purnama |
LenteraBio: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Terakreditasi Peringkat 4) 7(3,)/ September 2018: 253-257
2018 |
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56 |
Potensi Tanaman Lili Paris (Chlorophytum comosum), Melati Jepang (Pseuderanthemum reticulatum), dan Paku Tanduk Rusa (Platycerium bifurcatum) sebagai Absorben Timbal (Pb) di Udara |
Ayudhiniar Fascavitri*, Fida Rachmadiarti, Ahmad Bashri |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2018: 188–195 |
2018 |
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57 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Mulsa Perak dan Tanaman Tumpang Sari terhadap Dominansi Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (OPT) pada Tanaman Jeruk Keprok Pulung (Citrus reticulata)
Elviadian Nadzimatul Umah, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Otto Endarto
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2018: 176–180 |
2018 |
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58 |
Absorbsi CO2 Oleh Mikroalga Chlorophyta Epifit di Hutan Kota Surabaya |
Muhammad Nur Komaruddin Arif *, Tarzan Purnomo, Novita Kartika Indah |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2018: 163–167 |
2018 |
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59 |
Pengaruh Pupuk Organik Terhadap Kadar Tph (Total Petroleum Hidrokarbon) dan Hara N (Nitrogen) pada Tanah Tercemar Minyak Bumi |
Tanaya Juwita Rahayu*, Fida Rachmadiarti, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2018: 153-158 |
2018 |
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60 |
Aplikasi Probiotik, Prebiotik dan Sinbiotik pada Pakan terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan Gurami (Osphronemus gouramy Lac.)
Putri Mayang Sari*, Dyah Hariani, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2018: 136-141 |
2018 |
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61 |
Identifikasi Jamur Penyebab Penyakit pada Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomoea batatas) dan Sebarannya di Kecamatan Tutur Kabupaten Pasuruan |
Abdullah Alfarobi*, Isnawati, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2018: 115–120 |
2018 |
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62 |
Potensi Isolat Bakteri Endofit Dari Akar Tanaman Ubi Jalar Sebagai Penghasil Hormon Indole Acetic Acid
Anisah Iswanti *, Mahanani Tri Asri, Lisa Lisdiana |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2018: 110–114 |
2018 |
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63 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Formula Pakan yang Berbeda terhadap Laju Pertumbuhan dan Kelangsungan Hidup Benih Ikan Lele (Clarias sp.) |
Nurul ‘Aini*, Dyah Hariani, Raharjo |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 2, Mei 2018: 104-109 |
2018 |
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64 |
Keanekaragaman Gastropoda dan Peranannya Sebagai Bioindikator Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) di Pantai Kenjeran, Kecamatan Bulak, Kota Surabaya |
Diana Fitri Wulansari*, Sunu Kuntjoro |
LenteraBio Vol.7 No.3, September 2018: 241-247 |
2018 |
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65 |
Pengaruh Mikoriza Vesikular Arbuskular dan Trichoderma harzianum pada Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi Hijau (Brassica juncea L.) di Tanah Liat dan Tanah Pasir |
Agape Emmanuella Br Ginting*, Yuliani, Sari Kusuma Dewi |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2018: 231-235 |
2018 |
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66 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Limbah Padat Industri Agar sebagai Pupuk Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi Hijau (Brassica juncea) |
Fitriatus Syarifah*, Herlina Fitrihidajati, Novita Kartika Indah |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2018: 221–225 |
2018 |
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67 |
Pengaruh Perendaman Larutan Asam Cuka sebagai Penurun Kadar Logam Berat Kadmium pada Ikan Mujair (Oreochromis mossambicus) |
Rizki Yulia Oxi*, Sunu Kuntjoro, Ulfi Faizah |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 3, September 2018: 203–208 |
2018 |
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68 |
Pengaruh Macam Media Aktivator terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Ikan Tombro (Cyprinus carpio) |
Sukma Aji Prastyawan*, Nur Ducha, Tarzan Purnomo |
LenteraBio Vol.7 No. 2, Mei 2018: 99-103 |
2018 |
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69 |
Pengaruh Macam Media Pengencer terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Ikan Tombro (Cyprinus carpio) Selama Penyimpanan pada Suhu 4-5ºC |
Kukuh Juni Handoko*, Nur Ducha, Tarzan Purnomo |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 92–98 |
2018 |
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70 |
Kualitas Air Sumber Gadung Desa Watesnegoro Mojokerto Ditinjau dari Indeks Keanekaragaman Plankton dan Kadar Oksigen |
Choiron Nikmah*, Tarzan Purnomo, Wisanti |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No.1, Januari 2018: 83-91 |
2018 |
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71 |
Identifikasi Bakteri Endofit Isolat B2 dan B3 dari Akar Tanaman Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas L.) var. Papua patippi Berdasarkan Karakter Fenotipik |
Asmaul Husna *, Yuliani, Lisa Lisdiana |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 76–82 |
2018 |
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72 |
Efektivitas Ekstrak Kulit Batang Dan Biji Mahoni (Swietenia mahagoni)sebagai Antibakteri Xanthomonas campestris Penyebab Penyakit Busuk Hitam pada Tanaman Kubis |
Choirun Nisyak*, Yuliani, Mahanani Tri Asri |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 66–75 |
2018 |
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73 |
Pengaruh Filtrat Daun Kenikir (Cosmos Caudatus) terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa Mencit (Mus musculus) yang Terpapar Asap Rokok |
Naning Dwi Lestari *, Tjandrakirana, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 55-60 |
2018 |
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Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Cair Organik dari Limbah Organ Dalam Ikan terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Bayam Merah (Alternanthera ficoides) |
Devi Kurniawati*, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Herlina Fitrihidajati |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1 Januari 2018: 49–54 |
2018 |
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Efektivitas Kompos Kacang Tanah terhadap Pertumbuhan Kedelai pada Media Tanam Tanah Tercemar Minyak Bumi Hasil Bioremediasi |
Siti Ma’rifatin*, Yuliani, Winarsih |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 45–48 |
2018 |
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76 |
Pemanfaatan Serbuk Cangkang Telur Ayam Sebagai Adsorben Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) pada Limbah Cair Industri Batik Jetis Sidoarjo |
Vania Maharani*, Sunu Kuntjoro, Novita Kartika Indah |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 39–44 |
2018 |
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77 |
Penggunaan Ekstrak Daun Kedondong (Spondias pinnata) untuk Menghambat Pertumbuhan Miselia Jamur Fusarium oxysporum Secara In Vitro |
Lutfa Lusia Fadilah *, Mahanani Tri Asri, Evie Ratnasari |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 28–32 |
2018 |
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78 |
Potensi Konsorsium Dua Isolat Bakteri Endofit dari Akar Tanaman Ubi Jalar Var. Papua patippi dalam Menghasilkan Hormon Indole – 3 – Acetic – Acid (IAA) |
Fithriani Valentina, Yuliani, Lisa Lisdiana |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 20–27 |
2018 |
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79 |
Penggunaan Pupuk Cair Berbahan Baku Limbah Air Cucian Beras dengan Penambahan Serbuk Cangkang Telur Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi Hijau (Brassica juncea)
Nurdiana K. Jannah*, Yuliani, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 15–19 |
2018 |
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Identifikasi Isolat Bakteri Endofit A1 dan B1 dari Akar Tanaman Ubi Jalar Berdasarkan Sekuens 16S rDNA |
Anggi Maulia Arista*, Yuliani, Lisa Lisdiana |
LeteraBio Vol. 7 No.1, Januari 2018: 9-14 |
2018 |
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81 |
Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Kitinolitik Endofit Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum) serta Potensinya dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Fusarium oxysporum |
Indra Adi Wira Prasetya*, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 7 No. 1, Januari 2018: 1–8 |
2018 |
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82 |
Potential of Nata de Legen in Improving Local Wellness of Natural Resources and Human Resources in Dalegan Village, Gresik District
Mahanani Tri Asri, Evie Ratnasari, Nur Ducha, Ahmad Bashri |
Jurnal Pengabdi http://jurnal.untan.ac.id/index.php/JPLP2KM. Volume 1 Nomor 2, Oktober 2018 p-ISSN: 2620-4665 e-ISSN: 2620-4673 |
2018 |
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83 |
Application of Acetobacter Xylinum in The Production of Nata De Legen From Palmyra Palm Neera |
Mahanani Tri Asri, Evie Ratnasari, Nur Ducha, Ahmad Bashri |
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1108 (2018) 012098 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/1108/ 1/012098 MISEIC 2018 |
2018 |
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Development of Guided Inquiry Student Worksheet for Biology Grade 11th Senior High School |
Erlin Permana Windiastuti, Suyono, Sunu Kuntjoro |
JPPS (Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan Sains). Vol 7(2): 1496-1500 https://journal.unesa.ac. id/index.php/jpps/article /viewFile/2930/2218 |
2018 |
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85 |
Variasi morfologi dan kemelimpahan Donax faba (Bivalvia: Donacidae) di Pantai Tengket Bangkalan Madura |
Ambarwati, R, Azizah, U. |
Biotropic |
2018 |
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86 |
Pemanfaatan Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Terhadap Pemulihan Struktur Pankreas Mencit Diabetik |
Erlix RP, |
Biotropic: The Journal of Tropical Biology. Volume 2/Nomor 2/Tahun 2018 p 85-92 |
2018 |
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Identifikasi Senyawa Aktif Pada Ekstrak Etanol Holothuria leucospilota Asal Pantai Selatan Madura |
Erlix RP, |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi Unesa 2018 |
2018 |
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88 |
Identifikasi Spesies Sand Bubbler Crabs Di Pantai Camplong Madura |
Erlix RP, |
STIGMA: Jurnal Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Unipa. Volume 11/Nomor 01/Tahun 2018 p 5261 |
2018 |
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89 |
Epitope Mapping of Capsid Protein L1 from Human Papillomavirus to Development Cervical Cancer Vaccine through Computational Study |
Erlix RP, |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Volume 1108/Conference 1/ Tahun 2018. |
2018 |
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90 |
Effect of high temperature stress on changes in morphology, anatomy and chlorophyll content in tropical seagrass Thalassia hemprichii |
Erlix RP, |
AACL Bioflux Volume 11/ Issue 6/Tahun 2018 p1825-1833 |
2018 |
V |
91 |
Molecular Docking: Senyawa Pada Teh Hijau Terhadap Protein DXTR Sebagai Antibiotik Penanggulangan Penyakit Difteri |
Erlix RP, |
BIOTIKA: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi Volume 16/Issue 2/Tahun 2018 |
2018 |
V |
92 |
Study of Molecular Docking of Antihiperglicemic Compounds on Kelor (Moringa oleifera) on Receptor PPAR-γ as Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
Erlix R Purnama |
BIOTIKA: Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi. Volume 16/Issue 2/Tahun 2018 p 18-23 |
2018 |
V |
93 |
Docking Molekuler Senyawa Metabolit Sekunder Lantana camara Sebagai Antiinflamasi Terhadap Enzim Cox-1 |
Erlix RP, |
Jurnal Biota. Volume 4/Nomor 2/ Tahun 2018 p 79-83 |
2018 |
V |
94 |
The test about blood serum capabilities in maintaining the quality of bull spermatozoa during storage in cep diluent at refrigerator temperature |
Nur Ducha |
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 130 (2018) 012043. Scopus indexed, |
2018 |
V |
95 |
Hasil Degradasi Sampah Basah Dengan Metode Tong Komposter Multifungsi |
Winarsih |
Prosiding Inovasi Pembelajaran dan Penelitian Biologi |
2018 |
V |
96 |
The Changes of Environtment Factors and Aquatic Organism Biodiversity in East Coast of Sidoarjo Due To Lapindo Mud |
Tarzan Purnomo, Fida Rachmadiarti |
International Journal of Geomate, Volume 15, Issue 48. Agustus 2018 |
2018 |
V |
97 |
Impact of Lapindo Hot Mud Flowing on Macrozoobenthos Communities in Estuary Porong, East Java |
Tarzan Purnomo, Fida Rachmadiarti, Soegiyanto |
Atlantis Highlights in Engineering (AHE), Volume 1, International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 2018. Volume 1, 2018 |
2018 |
V |
98 |
Azolla microphylla and Pistia stratiotes as Phytoremediator of Pb (Lead) |
Fida Rachmadiarti, Herlina Fitrihidajati, Tarzan Purnomo, Yuliani, Dwi Asih Wahyuningsih |
Atlantis Highlights in Engineering (AHE), Volume 1, International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018), 2018. Volume 1, 2018 |
2018 |
V |
99 |
Docking Molekuler Senyawa Metabolit Sekunder Lantana camara Sebagai Antiinflamasi Terhadap Enzim Cox-1 |
Erlix R Purnama, |
Jurnal Biota Volume 4/Nomor 2/Tahun 2018 p 79-83 |
2018 |
V |
100 |
Utilization Of Microbial And Botanical Insecticide In Formulations Of Effective Photoprotectant To Control Soybean Pest And Safe For Agroecosystems |
Asri, M.T. |
Accepted di ASL Jurnal |
2018 |
V |
101 |
The Role of Teak Leaves (Tectona grandis), Rhizobium and Vesicular Arbuscular Mychorrhizae on Improving Soil Structure and Soil Nutrition |
Yuliani, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017). IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (2018) 012158 doi:10.1088/1757- 899X/288/1/012158 |
2018 |
V |
102 |
The Using of Fenolic Compounds of Pluchea indica Less Leaves extracts as A Bioinsecticide and Bioherbicide
Yuliani, Yuni SR |
IOP Conf.Series Journal of Physics Conf.Series 953 (2017) 012206 http://iopscience.iop.org/issue/17426596/953/1 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 953 012206 https://doi.org/10.1088/17426596/953/1/012206 |
2018 |
V |
103 |
Isolation and Identification of Hydrocarbone Degradation Bacteria and Phospfat Soluble Bacteria in Lapindo Mud Sidoarjo East Java |
Yuni Sri Rahayu, Yuliani, Guntur Trimulyono |
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC). Volume 13 (8) Agustus 2018 |
2018 |
V |
104 |
Isolation and Characterization of Silicate Solubilizing Bacteria from Paddy Rhizosphere |
A. Sulizah, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Sari Kusuma Dewi |
MISEIC 2018. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1108 (2018) 012046 |
2018 |
V |
105 |
Isolation and Characterization of Potassium Solubilizing Bacteria from Paddy Rhizosphere |
R. Fatharani, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Sari Kusuma Dewi |
MISEIC 2018. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1108 (2018) 012105 |
2018 |
V |
106 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Pakan “FERMEGE FORMULA 3” Terhadap Pertambahan Berat Badan Kambing Jantan |
Evie Ratnasari, Herlina F, Isnawati |
Prosiding Semnas PPM 2018. Volume 1, Nomor 1, 2018.
2018 |
V |
107 |
Phenetic Relationship of Pasuruan Snake fruits (Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.)Voss.) |
Novita Kartika I., Serafinah I, Estri Laras A., Rodiyati A |
AP Conference Proceedings 2019, 020011 (2018); |
2018 |
V |
108 |
Application of Acetobacter xylinum in The Production of Nata de Legen from Palmyra Palm Neera |
Mahanani Tri Asri, Evie Ratnasari, Nur Ducha, Ahmad Bashri |
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1108 (2018) 012098. |
2018 |
V |
109 |
SWOT Analysis based on society perception and appreciation to support snakefruits (Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.) Voss.) conservation strategy in the East Java |
Novita Kartika I., Serafinah I, Estri Laras A., Rodiyati A |
Atlantis Proceedings ISBN 978-602-0951-23-2 Pub 2018-12-03 |
2018 |
V |
110 |
Molecular Characterization and Phylogenetic Analysis of The Genus Tor from Indonesia based on mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene |
D.A. Rahayu , E. D. Nugroho |
Bioflux (Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation). Accepted. 2018 |
2018 |
V |
111 |
Role of Nitrogene and phosphate dinamics to increase plant survival grown on oil contaminated soil |
Yuni Sri Rahayu, Yuliani, Guntur Trimulyono, Evie Ratnasari, Sari Kusuma Dewi |
3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018).IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (2018) 012122 |
2018 |
V |
112 |
Isolation and Identification of Hydrocarbone Degradation Bacteria and Phospfat Soluble Bacteria in Lapindo Mud Sidoarjo East Java |
Yuni Sri Rahayu, Yuliani, Guntur Trimulyono |
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology (JESTEC). Volume 13 (8) Agustus 2018 |
2018 |
V |
113 |
The development of BOT API Social Media Telegramabout Plant Hormone using Black Box Testing |
Yuni Sri Rahayu, S C Wibawa, Yuliani, Evie Ratnasari, Sari Kusuma Dewi |
3rd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2018). IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (2018) 012132 |
2018 |
V |
114 |
The test about blood serum capabilities in maintaining the quality of bull spermatozoa during storage in cep diluent at refrigerator temperature |
Nur Ducha |
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 130 (2018) 012043 |
2018 |
V |
115 |
Science Process Skills to Facilitate the Achievement of Student Learning Outcome |
Rafiatul Hasanah, Laily Yunita Susanti, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Puji Jayanti |
2nd Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2018). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 222. |
2018 |
V |
116 |
The Effectiveness of Guided Inquiry Based Learning to Train Critical Thingking Skills in High School Level |
Achmad Muzanni, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Zainul Imam Supardi, Puji Jayanti |
2nd Social Sciences, Humanities, and Education Conference (SoSHEC 2018). Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 222. |
2018 |
V |
117 |
Development of biology student worksheets to facilitate science process skills of student |
Y S Rahayu, R Pratiwi , S Indana |
The Consortium of Asia-Pacific Education Universities (CAPEU) 2017 IOP Publishing. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering . Vol. 296 Nomor 1 Januari 2018. |
2018 |
V |
118 |
Implementation of Guided Discovery Learning to Improve Student Science Process Skills of Junior High School |
Astutik Sri Handayani, Tjandrakirana, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Puji Jayanti |
2nd International Conference on Education Innovation (ICEI 2018).Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 212. |
2018 |
V |
119 |
Implementation of science process skills using ICT-based approach to facilitate student life skills |
Y S Rahayu, Yuliani, B R Wijaya |
The Consortium of Asia-Pacific Education Universities (CAPEU) 2017 IOP Publishing. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 296 (2018) 012035 |
2018 |
V |
120 |
Two Cycles of Problem Solving to Achieve Thinking Skills Learning Outcomes and Mastery of Plant Anatomy Concepts |
R P Puspitawati, L. Yuanita, Y S Rahayu, E Sisiawaty, S Indana) |
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia (JPII). Vol 7. No 3, 2018. https://journal.unnes.ac.id/nju/index.php/jpii/article/view/14295/8254. |
2018 |
V |
121 |
Student's View of Environmental Awareness and Energy Conservation Activities in Campus |
Laily Rosdiana, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Hasan Subekti, Dita Ayu Purnama Sari |
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (2018) 012127 doi:10.1088/1757- 899X/434/1/012127 |
2018 |
V |
122 |
The Influence of Inquiry Method on Student Learning Results With Different Class Learning Style on Plantae Material |
S Ariani, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Endang Susantini |
MISEIC 2018. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1108 (2018) 012036 doi :10.1088/1742- 6596/1108/1/012036 |
2018 |
V |
123 |
Physiological Demands of Playing Field Hockey Game at Sub Elite Players |
W Kusnanik, Yuni Sri Rahayu, B Rattray |
The 2nd Annual Applied Science and Engineering Conference (AASEC 2017).IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 288 (2018) 012112 |
2018 |
V |
124 |
The Influence of Inquiry Method on Student Learning Results With Different Class Learning Style on Plantae Material |
S Ariani, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Endang Susantini |
MISEIC 2018. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1108 (2018) 012036 |
2018 |
V |
125 |
Effectiveness of inquiry learning model in photosynthesis and respiration material to increase of science process skills for biology education students |
Yuliani, Yuni SR, Sari KD |
Proceeding ICER 2018 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UIv5o 3OM9A1upTyRi92S0LWE5hjQoMY0/view hal 620 ISBN:978-616-438310-4 Anna Offset, Khon Kaen THAILAND Produced byb Faculty of Education Khon Kaen University,Copyright 2018 |
2018 |
V |
126 |
The Morphological, Anatomical, And Physiological Characteristics of Elephantopus scaber As Explant Source For Tissue Culture
Yuliani, Fida R, Sari KD, Mahanani TA |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018) https://www.atlantispress.com/proceedings/icst18/55910798 https://doi.org/10.2991/icst-18.2018.13 |
2018 |
V |
127 |
Development Of Student Worksheet Based on Inquiry in Carbohydrate Metabolism Material to Increase Study Results of 2015 Biology Education Student |
Sari KD, Yuliani, Yuni SR |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018) https://doi.org/10.2991/icst18.2018.102 Atlantis Highlights in Engineering (AHE), volume 1 Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018) SN 2589-4943 |
2018 |
V |
128 |
Soil Physic and Chemistry Characteristics on Pesticide Application of Soybean Land in Jombang, Lamongan and Probolinggo.
Mahanani TA, Yuliani, Tarzan P, Fida R, Evie R |
Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018) https://doi.org/10.2991/icst18.2018.17 Atlantis Highlights in Engineering (AHE), volume 1 Copyright © 2018, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open accessarticle under the CC BY-NC license (http://creativecom mons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/). International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2018) SN 2589-4943 |
2018 |
V |
129 |
Probiotics utilization in feed to increase hepatosomatics value index (HSI) and gonado somatic index (GSI) in catfish (Clarias sp.) Broodstock |
Pungky Slamet WK , Dyah Hariani, Mohamad Fadjar |
Plant and Animal Research Journal Vol.1,No.3,62–67. 2018. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/02b8/ffcd75078dd1fe57000bacebf5b36f8ad179.pdf |
2018 |
V |
130 |
Developing Learning Model P3E to Improve Students’Critical Thinking Skills of Islamic Senior High School |
Bahtiar, Y S Rahayu, Wasis |
MISEIC 2017. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 947 (2018) 012067 |
2018 |
V |
131 |
Profil of Scientific Literacy Skills in Junior High School One Roof |
Sifak Indana, Rudiana Agustini, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2018).Advances in Intelligent Systems Research (AISR), volume 157. |
2018 |
V |
132 |
The Inovative Problem Soving Strategy As The Model of Teaching Problem Solving |
Rinie P, Lenny Y, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
Studies in Comparative Education, Scientific Journal in Education, 2(36), July-December 2018. |
2018 |
V |
133 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Pakan “Fermege Formula 3” terhadap Pertambahan Berat Badan Kambing Jantan |
Evie Ratnasari, Herlina Fitrihidajati, Isnawati |
Prosiding Semnas PPM 2018. Volume 1, Nomor 1, 2018 |
2018 |
V |
134 |
The Efficacy of Salvinia Molesta Mitch. And Marsilea Creanata Presl.as Phytoremediators of Lead Pollution |
Fida Rachmadiarti Guntur Trimulyono |
Journal of Applied Horticulture 20(1):48-51 · January 2018 . https://www.researchgate.net › publication › 331770421_The_efficacy_of_s.. |
2018 |
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0 |
47 |
40 |
135 |
Histopathology of Spodoptera litura Larva Infected by Multiple Nuclear Polyhedrons Virus (SpltMNPV) in Photo-Protectant Formulation |
Mahanani Tri Asri, |
Eurasia J Biosci 13, 185-191 (2019). http://www.ejobios.org/article/histopathology-of-spodoptera-litura-larva-infected-by-multiple-nucleopolyhedrosis-virus-spltmnpv-in-6191 |
2019 |
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136 |
Efektivitas Pakan “Fermege Formula 3”Fermentasi Campuran Enceng Gondok (Eichhornia crassipes), Ampas Tahu dan Kangkung (Ipomea aquatica) dengan Probiotik Ragi Tempe pada Pertumbuhan Kambing Usia Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Kambing Usia Produksi |
Evie Ratnasari, Herlina Fitrihidajati, Isnawati Isnawati |
Biotika Jurnal Ilmiah Biologi 17 (1), 33-39 vol. , 2019 | DOI : https://doi.org/10.24198/bjib.v17i1.21975 |
,2019 |
V |
137 |
Studi of Soya Addition in Tris Base Extender on The Quality of Senduro Goat Spermatozoa and Membrane Intebrity on Storage Temperature 4-5⁰C |
Nur Ducha, Widowati Budijastuti Nur Kuswanti |
Prosiding Seminar Internasional MSCEIS |
2019 |
V |
138 |
The Dynamics of Science Literacy Ability of Biology Students in Histology Lectures Using Worksheets Based Science Literacy |
Nur Ducha, Dyah Harinai Widowati Budijastuti |
Prosiding Seminar Internasional MISEIC |
2019 |
V |
139 |
Potensi Ekstrak Daun Bandotan (Ageratum conyzoides L.) Sebagai Spray Untuk Pemulihan Luka Mencit Diabetik Yang Terinfeksi Staphylococcus aureus |
Erlix R Purnama,
Biotropic: The Journal of Tropical Biology Volume 3/Issue 1/Tahun 2019 p 6878 |
2019 |
V |
140 |
Penerapan Teknologi Produksi Simplisia Empon-Empon, Kelompok Tani Kecamatan Trawas, Kabupaten Mojokerto, Jawa Timur |
Erlix R Purnama, |
Jurnal ABDI: Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Volume 5/Issue 1/Tahun 2019 p 1 –5 |
2019 |
V |
141 |
Kajian Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) dalam Pengencer Caudal Epididymal Plasma-D (CEP-D) Terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Sapi Limousin Sebelum dan Sesudah Pembekuan |
Rafidah Nur Utami N Nur Ducha, Erlix R Purnama, |
Lentera Bio Volume 8/Issue 3/Tahun 2019 |
2019 |
V |
142 |
Identification of Anticancer Active Compound from GC-MS Test Results of Zodia Leaves (Evodia suaveolens) Ethanol Extract |
Erlix R Purnama, |
Jurnal Biota Volume 5/Issue 2/Tahun 2019 p 89 –95 |
2019 |
V |
143 |
DNA Barcoding Ikan Introduksi Khas Telaga Sari, Kabupaten Pasuruan |
Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Endik Deni Nugroho, Dwi Listyorini |
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology, v. 7, n. 2, p. 51-62 (2019) Link:https://biotropika.ub.ac.id/index.php/biotropika/article/view/530 |
2019 |
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144 |
The Fruticose Lichens In The Forest Tahura (Taman Hutan Raya) R. Soeryo, East Java |
Miftahul Jannah, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Murni Sapta Sari, Ludmilla Fitri Untari |
Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology v. 7, n. 2, p. 63-66, aug. 2019. Link:https://biotropika.ub.ac.id/index.php/biotropika/article/view/531 |
2019 |
V |
145 |
Keanekaragaman Burung di Kawasan Hutan Mangrove Banyuurip Kecamatan Ujungpangkah Kabupaten Gresik |
M M Mubarrok, Reni Ambarwati |
Jurnal Riset Biologi dan Aplikasinya (Jurnal Nasional, belum terakreditasi 1(2)/2019 https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/risetbiologi/article/view/5082 |
2019 |
V |
146 |
Status Konservasi Burung Pada Resort Coban Trisula dan Blok Ireng-Ireng, Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru |
Boni Herdiawan, Muhammad Musthofa Mubarrok, Reni Ambarwati, Koestriadi Nugra Prasetya |
SIMBIOSA (Terakreditasi Peringkat 4) 8(1)/2019 https://www.journal.unrika.ac.id/index.php/simbiosajournal/article/view/1871 |
2019 |
V |
147 |
Enhancing the Digital Literacy of Pre-Service Biology Teacher through Animal Systematics Course |
Reni Ambarwati, Ulfi Faizah, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu |
Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019) Atlantis Press. Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 95/2019 https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/miseic-19/125928586 https://doi.org/102991/miseic-19.2019.46 |
2019 |
V |
148 |
The Potency and Food Safety of Lamp Shells (Brachiopoda: Lingula sp.) as Food Resources |
R Ambarwati, D A Rahayu, U Faizah |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1417, conference 1 (https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/17426596/1417/1/012039 |
2019 |
V |
149 |
Studi Morfologi dan Fenetik Taksonomi Ikan Introduksi Khas Telaga Sari, Pasuruan |
Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Endik Deni Nugroho, Dwi Listyorini |
Borneo Journal of Biology Education. Vol 1, No 1 (18-33).2019 Link: http://jurnal.borneo.ac.id/ind |
2019 |
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150 |
Diversity of Indigenous Bacteria During Fermentation Fermentoge: The ruminant Feed Made of Water Hyancinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and Corn (Zea Mays) cob. |
Isnawati, Guntur Trimulyono, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu |
Bioscience Research 16(3):3085-3090. 2019 Link:https://www.isisn.org/BR16(3)2019/3085-309016(3)2019 BR19-361.pdf |
2019 |
V |
151 |
Enhancing the Digital Literacy of Pre-Service Biology Teacher through Animal Systematics Course |
Reni Ambarwati, Ulfi Faizah, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu |
Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019) https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/miseic-19/125928586 |
2019 |
V |
152 |
The Potency and Food Safety of Lantern Shell (Brachiopoda: Lingula sp.) as Food Resources |
Reni Ambarwati, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu, Ulfi Faizah |
Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019). Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Volume 1417, conference 1 Link:https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1742-6596/1417/1/012039 |
2019 |
V |
153 |
Biodiversity of Invertebrates in Kemantren Coast, Lamongan |
D A Rahayu, R Ambarwati, U Faizah |
Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019). Link : https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/miseic-19/125928548 |
2019 |
V |
154 |
Integration of Scientific Article Writing in the Animal Systematics Course to Train Scientific Literacy |
Ulfi Faizah, Reni Ambarwati, Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu |
Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference(MISEIC 2019) Atlantis Press. Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 95/2019 https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/miseic-19/125928579 https://doi.org/10.2991/miseic-19.2019.39 |
2019 |
V |
155 |
Profil Semen Segar Kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE) Senduro Sebagai Bahan untuk Penyimpanan Pada Suhu Rendah |
Nur Ducha Widowati Budijastuti |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi 2019 (Masih dalam proses penyelesaian prosiding) |
2019 |
V |
156 |
Effect of Addition of Different Egg Yolks in Basic Tris Diluent on Quality, Integrity of Senduro Goat Sperm Membrane, and Free Radicals During 4-5o C Storage Temperature |
Nur Ducha Widowati Budijastuti Dwi Anggorowati Rahayu |
Prosiding Seminar Internasional ICST/IJCST |
2019 |
V |
157 |
Studi of Soya Addition in Tris Base Extender on The Quality of Senduro Goat Spermatozoa and Membrane Intebrity on Storage Temperature 4-5⁰C |
Nur Ducha Widowati Budijastuti Nur Kuswanti |
Proceedings of the Mathematics,Informatics,Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019) |
2019 |
V |
158 |
Student Response on Solving Waste Problem in Department of Biology through Conservation of Natural Resources and Environment Course |
Winarsih |
Proceedings of the Mathematics,Informatics,Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019) https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/miseic-19/125928590 |
2019 |
V |
159 |
Combination of feed protein level and laserpuncture induction of broodstock catfish (Clarias sp.) to increase estrogen, vitellogenin, and egg quality |
Dyah Hariani, Pungky Slamet WK |
Eurasia J Biosci 13 : 769-779 (2019). https://search.proquest.com/openview/8c15ec072ae3190995bc419c0499d5ea/1.pdf?pqorig site=gscholar&cbl=2042720 |
2019 |
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160 |
Biological study of increasing vitello genin level and gonado somatic index by laserpuncture exposure at any protein level of dietary on catfish broodstock (Clarias sp.)
Pungky Slamet Wisnu Kusuma, Dyah Hariani |
Eurasia J Biosci. 13:177-183 (2019). https://www.google.com/search?q=Eurasia+J+Biosci+13%2C+177183+(2019)&rlz=1C1CHBF_enID824ID824&oq=Eurasia+J+Biosci+13%2C+177-183+(2019)&aqs=chrome..69i57.2643j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 |
2019 |
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161 |
Endemic Bacteria Potential for Decomposing Pesticide Prophenophos and Chlorantraniliprole from Pesticide-Exposed Soybean Field in East Java
Mahanani Asri, Mahanani Tri Asri, Evie Ratnasari, Lilik Suyatmi, Yuliani Yuliani |
Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019) Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 95 page 19-21. December 2019. https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/miseic-19/articles |
2019 |
V |
162 |
Potential of Indonesian Endemic Microbial Consortium in Degrading Profenofos and chlorantraniliprole pesticide in East Java indonesia to support agricultural ecosystems |
Mahanani Tri Asri, Yuliani, Tarsan Purnomo, Fida Rachmadiarti, Evie Ratnasari, Agoes Soegianto |
Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper. Vol 25, July Suppl. Issue, 2019; Page No.(S85-S90). http://www.envirobiotechjournals.com/article_abstract.php?aid=9692&iid=276&jid=3 |
2019 |
V |
163 |
The effectiveness of nutrient variation to hydroponic Caisim (Brassica juncea L.) growth |
Sari Kusuma Dewi, Yuni Sri Rahayu, Ahmad Bashri |
MISEIC (2019) https://iopscience.iop.org/issue/1742-6596/1417/1 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/17426596/1417/1/012038 |
2019 |
V |
164 |
The effect of electric field, magnetic field, and infrared ray combination to reduce HOMA-IR index and GLUT 4 in diabetic model of Mus musculus |
Suhariningsih, D Winarni, SA Husen, F Khaleyla, AP Putra, SD Astuti |
Lasers in Medical Science online first 18 Nov 2019, pp 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10103-019-02916-z |
2019 |
V |
165 |
Isolation and Identification of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and Hydrocarbone Degradation Bacteria in Oil Contaminated Soil in Bojonegoro, East Java, Indonesia |
Yuni Sri Rahayu, Yulini, G. Trimulyono) |
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology (IJoST). Volume 4, Issue 1, April 2019: Page 134-147 |
2019 |
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166 |
The effect of Local Microrganism and Mycorrhizal Fungi on Anatomical and Morphological Responses of Red Chili (Capsicum annum L) |
TN Naafi, YS Rahayu |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1417 (2019) 012036 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742- 6596/1417/1/012036 https://iopscien ce.iop.org/issu e/1742-6596/1417/1 |
2019 |
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167 |
Phenetic Relationship of Pasuruan Snake fruits (Salacca zalacca (Gaertn.)Voss.) |
Novita Kartika I., Serafinah I, Estri Laras A., Rodiyati A. |
AIP Conference Proceedings 2019, 020011 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5061847 |
2019 |
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168 |
Isolation and Identification of Hydrocarbon Degradation Bacteria and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria in Oil Contaminated Soil in Bojonegoro, East Java, Indonesia |
Yuni SR, Yuliani, Guntur Trimulyono |
Indonesian Journal of Science & Technology. Journal homepage: http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/ijost/ http://ejournal.upi.edu/index.php/ijost/article/view/14923/pdf DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.17509/ijost.v41.14923 | p- ISSN2528-1410 e- ISS2527-8045 | Volume 4 Issue 1,April 2019 Page 134-147 |
2019 |
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169 |
Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of Elephantopus scaber and Ageratum conyzoides (asteraceae) leaves extracts from various altitude habitats |
Yuliani, Fida R, Sari KD, Mahanani TA Agoes Soegianto |
Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper www.envirobiotechjournals.com/article_abstract.php?aid=9696&iid=276&jid=3 Vol 25, July Suppl.Issue, 2019; Page No.(S106-S113) Copyright@ EMbInternational ISSN 0917–765X |
2019 |
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170 |
The Effect of Gibberellin Extracted from Eichoenia crassipes Root on the Viability and Duration of Hard Germination |
K. Ummah, Y. S. Rahayu |
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1417 (2019) 012037 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742- 6596/1417/1/012037. https://iopscien ce.iop.org/issu e/1742-6596/1417/1 |
2019 |
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171 |
Identification of gaharu tree (Aqualaria malacensis) and gaharu oil distillation process as the local content included in 21st century curriculum on the subject of high level botany |
Herliani, Muslimin Ibrahim, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 243 (2019) 012129 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/17 551315/243/1/012129 |
2019 |
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172 |
Effectiveness of Authentic Assessment: Performances, Attitudes, and Prohibitive Factors
Wahyu Sabtiawan, Leny Yuanita, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
Journal of Turkish nScience Education. Volume 16, Issue 2, June 2019 |
2019 |
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173 |
Developing Learning Tools Guided Discovery Models Assisted PhET Simulations for Training Critical Thinking Skills High School Students |
U H Thohari, Madlazim, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding. Volume 6, Issue 4, Agustus 2019 |
2019 |
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174 |
Improving Student’s Creative Thinking Skill through Blended Learning using Schoology |
FD Roqobih, Yuliani, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
Journal of Physics:Conference Seriesb1417 (2019) 012094 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/17426596/1417/1/012094. https://iopscience.iop.org/issu e/17426596/1417/1 |
2019 |
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175 |
In-vitro Propagation of Elephantopus scaber Using Seeds as Explants in Various Culture Growth Media |
Yuliani, Fida Rachmadiarti, Sari Kusuma Dewi, Mahanani Tri Asri |
Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019). Advances in Computer Science Research, volume 95 page 10-13. December 2019. https://www.atlantis-press.com/proceedings/miseic-19/125928543 |
2019 |
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176 |
Phytoremediation Capability Of Water Clover (Marsilea Crenata (L). Presl.) In Synthetic Pb Solution |
Fida Rachmadiarti, Guntur Trimulyono |
Applied Ecology And Environ mental Research. 17(4):9609-9619. http://www.aloki.hu/pdf/1704_96099619.pdf |
2019 |
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177 |
Syzigium oleina and Wedelia trilobata for Phytoremediation of Lead Pollution in the Atmosphere |
Fida Rachmadiarti, Tarzan Purnomo, Diana Nur Azizah, Ayudhiniar Fascavitri |
Nature Environm ent and Pollution Technol gy. Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 157-162 (2019). http://www.neptjournal.com/upload-images/NL-67-20-(18)D- 827.pdf |
2019 |
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178 |
Potential of Indonesian endemic microbial consortium in degrading profenofos and chlorantraniliprole pesticide in East Java Indonesia to support agricultural ecosystems |
Mahanani Tri Asri, Yuliani, Tarsan Purnomo, Fida Rachmadiarti, Evie Ratnasari, Agoes Soegianto |
Ecology, Envirnment and Conservation. Vol 25, July Suppl. Issue, 2019; Page No.(S85-S90). http://www.envirobiotechjournals.com/article_abstract.php?aid=9692&iid=276&jid=3 |
2019 |
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179 |
Biodiversity and Existing Condition of Coral Reef Ecosystem in Kondang Merak Beach Malang |
Tarzan Purnomo |
Atlantis-press.com/ proceedings/miseic-19/125928547. Advances in Computer Science Research, Volume 95, 2019 |
2019 |
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180 |
Physical parameters, feeding habit, and parasitological index of captive grouper from East Java Waters, Indonesia |
Hartanto Mulyo Raharjo, Setiawan Koesdarto, Sri Agus Sudjarwo, Sri Pantja Madyawati, Pudji Srianto, Muchammad Yunus, Nenny Harijani, Soeharsono, Tarzan Purnomo, Channarong Rodkhum |
Thai J Vet Med. 2019. 49(Supplement) Vol.49, pp.231-233, April 2019 |
2019 |
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181 |
Training Students’ Attitudes in Environmental Science Course Through Lesson Study |
Fida Rachmadiarti, Sunu Kuntoro, Widowati Budijastuti |
Jurnal Riset Biologi dan Aplikasinya. Hal:40-46, Vol.1, No.1, Maret 2019, ISSN:2655-9927, |
2019 |
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182 |
Implementation of cooperative learning group investigation to improve students self-efficacy and learning achievement on statics fluid |
G A R Tirta, P Prabowo, S Kuntjoro |
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1157 (2019) 032008 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1157/3/032008 https://iopscience.iop.or g/article/10.1088/1742- 6596/1157/3/032008/pd f |
2019 |
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183 |
Stability of cytochromes c' from psychrophilic and piezophilic Shewanella species: implications for complex multiple adaptation to low temperature and high hydrostatic pressure |
Asako Suka, Hiroya Oki, Yuki Kato, Kazuki Kawahara, Tadayasu Ohkubo, Takahiro Maruno, Yuji Kobayashi, Sotaro Fujii, Satoshi Wakai, Lisa Lisdiana, Yoshihiro Sambongi |
Extremo Philes. (Q3), SJR 2018 = 0.75. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00792- 019-01077-9 |
2019 |
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184 |
Response of neutrophilic Shewanella violacea to acid stress: growth rate, organic acid production, and gene expression |
Lisa Lisdiana, Hisashi Ômura, Sotaro Fujii, Yoshihiro Sambongi |
Extremo philes (Q3), SJR 2018 =0.75. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00792- 019-01083-x |
2019 |
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185 |
Differences in biochemical properties of two 5′-nucleotidases from deep- and shallow-sea Shewanella species under various harsh conditions |
Kiko Fujimori, Sotaro Fujii, Lisa Lisdiana, Satoshi Wakai, Hisashi Yagi, Yoshihiro Sambongi |
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemi stry Volume 83, 2019- Issue 6. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09168451.2019.1578641?journalCode=tbbb20 |
2019 |
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186 |
Total phenolic and flavonoid contents of Elephantopus scaber and Ageratum conyzoides (asteraceae) leaves extracts from various altitude habitats |
Yuliani, Fida Rachmadiarti, Sari Kusuma Dewi, Mahanani Tri Asri, Agoes Soegianto |
Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper. Vol 25, July Suppl. Issue, 2019; Page No.(S106-S113). http://www.envirobiotechjournals.com/article_abstract.php?aid=9696&iid=276&jid=3 |
2019 |
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187 |
The Innovative Problem Solving Strategy (SIPM) as Teaachers’ Model of Teaching Problem Solving |
R.P Puspitawati, L Yuanita, Y S Rahayu |
Studies in Comparative Education (Edisi Online Desember 2018, Edisi Cetak Januari 2019). http://pps.udpu.edu.ua/article/view/153409 https:// pps.udpu.edu.ua/article/view/153409 |
2019 |
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188 |
Potensi Isolat Bakteri Endofit Akar Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonium) sebagai Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat |
Tania Sukma Wahyu Arisna*, Mahanani Tri Asri |
Lentera Bio: Berkala Ilmiah Biologi Terakreditasi Peringkat 4) 8( 3)/September 2019: 260-267 |
2019 |
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189 |
Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Bivalvia di Pantai Barung Toraja Sumenep, Madura
Capriati Annisa Bening , Tarzan Purnomo |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 3, September 2019: 249–254 |
2019 |
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190 |
Aktivitas Antifungi Ekstrak Lichen Parmelia sulcata terhadap Pertumbuhan Jamur Alternaria porri
Vita Merry Marantika*, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 3, September 2019; 231-236 |
2019 |
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191 |
Kualitas Kompos Berbahan Dasar Sampah Rumah Tangga, Sampah Kulit Buah, dan Sampah Daun dalam Lubang Resapan Biopori |
Agustina Mirawati *, Winarsih |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 3, September 2019: 225-230 |
2019 |
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192 |
Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Gastropoda di Pantai Barung Toraja Sumenep, Madura |
Yeyen Tri Ari Rukmana*, Tarzan Purnomo |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 3, September 2019: 213–218 |
2019 |
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193 |
Potensi Isolat Bakteri Endofit (B3), Rhizobium, Azotobacter dan Azospirillum dalam Memproduksi Hormon Indole Acetic Acid (IAA) |
Rantika Nurcahyanti*, Mahanani Tri Asri, Sari Kusuma Dewi |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 3, September 2019: 201-206 |
2019 |
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194 |
Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Sukun (Artocarpus altilis) terhadap Mortalitas Hama Walang Sangit (Leptocorisa acuta) |
Zeinbrilian Cheisamaula Embrikawentar*, Evie Ratnasari |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 3, September 2019: 196–200 |
2019 |
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195 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Cair Organik dan Pupuk Cair Kimia terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L.) dengan Metode Hidroponik Sistem Wick |
Inayatus Sholikhah *, Winarsih |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No.3, September 2019: 190-195 |
2019 |
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196 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Asap Cair Ampas Tebu terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri pada Ikan Kakap Putih (Lates calcarifer)
Rizka Efi Mawli *, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2019: 182–189 |
2019 |
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197 |
Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Lichen Usnea subfloridana terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Escherichia coli FNCC 0091 dan Staphylococcus aureus FNCC 0047 |
Rizki Amalia*, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2018: 175–181 |
2019 |
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198 |
Keanekaragaman dan Kemelimpahan Kepiting Anggota Famili Dotillidae di Pantai Barung Toraja Sumenep, Madura |
Ida Zumatin Nafiah *, Tarzan Purnomo |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2019: 168-174 |
2019 |
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199 |
Aktivitas Antifungi Ekstrak Buah Pare (Momordica charantia L.) dalam Menghambat Pertumbuhan Jamur Fusarium oxysporum |
Devi Ratna Putri*, Mahanani Tri Asri, Evie Ratnasari |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei. 2019: 156-161 |
2019 |
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200 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Asap Cair Kulit Kacang Tanah (Arachis hypogea) terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri pada Ikan Cakalang (Katsuwonus pelamis) |
Laila Alvi Nurin*, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2019: 150–155 |
2019 |
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201 |
Potensi Isolat Bakteri Endofit Akar Tanaman Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonicum) sebagai Penambat Nitrogen |
Rokhmatul Ummah*, Mahanani Tri Asri, Pramita Yakub |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2019: 143-149 |
2019 |
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202 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Cair Berbahan Baku Limbah Sisa Makanan dengan Penambahan Berbagai Bahan Organik terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L.) |
Qurrotul Aini Wasilah *, Winarsih, Ahmad Bashri |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2019: 136-142 |
2019 |
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203 |
Tingkat Serangan Ektoparasit Ciliophora pada Udang Vannamei (Penaeus vannamei) di Lahan Pertambakan Polikultur Sidoarjo |
Isnaini Amanah Firdaus.* Reni Ambarwati |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2019: 127-135 |
2019 |
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204 |
Penggunaan Mikoriza Vesikular Arbuskular (MVA) Genus Glomus untuk Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata) Pada Cekaman Air
Titis Eka Putri*, Yuliani, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2019: 107-112 |
2019 |
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205 |
Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Kulit Udang terhadap Pertumbuhan Jamur Beauveria bassiana |
Kholidah As Sa’idah*, Mahanani Tri Asri |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2019: 96–100 |
2019 |
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206 |
Patogenitas Cendawan Entomopatogen Lecanicillium lecanii dengan Penambahan Minyak Kacang Tanah terhadap Mortalitas Ulat Grayak |
Elva Fithria Ningrum*, Mahanani Tri Asri |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 2, Mei 2019: 91–95 |
2019 |
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207 |
Konservasi In Vitro Tanaman Stroberi (Fragaria sp.) dengan Menggunakan Berbagai Sumber Karbon |
Annisa Rahma, Evie Ratnasari, Farida Yulianti |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 80-84 |
2019 |
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208 |
Pengaruh Pemberian Kompos Jerami Padi, Bakteri Azotobacter dan Rhizobium terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max) pada Media Tanah Kapur |
Rezza Khumala Hariyanto Putri*, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 67-72 |
2019 |
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209 |
Penambahan Biochar dan Bakteri Penambat Nitrogen (Rhizobium & Azotobacter sp.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max) pada Tanah Kapur |
Nuzullia Dwi Febriati, Yuni Sri Rahayu |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 62-66 |
2019 |
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210 |
Keefektifan Tiga Jenis Cendawan Entomopatogen terhadap Serangga Kutu Daun Aphis gossypii (Hemiptera: Aphididae) pada Tanaman Cabai |
Lutfiana Nur Fadhilah*, Mahanani Tri Asri |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 56-61 |
2019 |
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211 |
Pengaruh Asap Cair Serbuk Gergaji Kayu Jati (Tectona grandis) terhadap Mortalitas Kutu Daun (Aphis gossypii)
Lailatul Farida,* Evie Ratnasari |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 44-49 |
2019 |
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212 |
Pertumbuhan Ulat Grayak Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) pada Pakan Alami dan Pakan Buatan dengan Sumber Protein Berbeda |
Yeni Hidayanti*, Mahanani Tri Asri |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 44-49 |
2019 |
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213 |
Pengaruh Penambahan Limbah Cair Industri Tahu sebagai Sumber Nitrogen terhadap Kualitas Nata De Coco |
Dwi Widya Sakti*, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 36-43 |
2019 |
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214 |
Viabilitas Spermatozoa Kambing Boer Pasca Pembekuan dalam Pengencer Tris Dasar Soya dengan Kombinasi Gula yang Berbeda |
Loudrian Masfai Putra*, Nur Ducha |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 31–35 |
2019 |
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215 |
Aktivitas Harian Burung Jalak di Sangkar Besar |
Hendy Tri Mawardi*, Nur Ducha, Ulfi Faizah |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 25-30 |
2019 |
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216 |
Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Kadar Asam Laktat Yoghurt Tempe Kedelai (Glycine max) dan Yoghurt Tempe Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata) |
Fitrotul Af’idah*, Guntur Trimulyono |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 17-24 |
2019 |
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217 |
Kemampuan Cyperus esculentus sebagai Fitoremediator Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) pada Sedimen Perairan yang Tercemar Lumpur Lapindo di Porong Sidoarjo |
Lusi Widyaningrum*, Tarzan Purnomo, Eva Kristinawati Putri |
LenteraBio Vol.8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 12-16 |
2019 |
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218 |
Potensi Tapak Dara Air (Ludwigia adscendens) dalam Menurunkan Kandungan Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) pada Perairan yang Tercemar Lumpur Lapindo, Sidoarjo |
Lutfi Widya Nandra*, Tarzan Purnomo |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No.1, Januari 2019: 6–11 |
2019 |
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219 |
Kemampuan Cyperus esculentus sebagai Fitoremediator dalam Menurunkan Logam Berat Kadmium (Cd) pada Sedimen Perairan Tercemar Lumpur Lapindo, Sidoarjo |
Siti Nuraini*, Tarzan Purnomo |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No. 1, Januari 2019: 1-5 |
2019 |
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220 |
Pengaruh Penambahan Kuning Telur Berbagai Jenis Unggas dalam Pengencer Dasar Air Kelapa Terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Sapi Limousin Pada Penyimpanan Suhu 4-5˚C |
Asti Wulansari*, Nur Ducha |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No.3, September 2019: 273-277 |
2019 |
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221 |
Pengaruh Penambahan Soya dalam Pengencer Dasar Air Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) terhadap Motilitas Spermatozoa Domba Ekor Gemuk (DEG) pada Penyimpanan di Suhu 4-5°C |
Hana Angella Monova, Nur Ducha |
LenteraBio Vol. 8 No.3, September 2019: 268-272 |
2019 |
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222 |
Jenis dan Cara Pengolahan Sampah (3R) di Jurusan Biologi |
Winarsih |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi IP2B III 2019 |
2019 |
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223 |
Profil Semen Segar Kambing Peranakan Etawa (PE) Sensuro sebagai Bahan Untuk Penyimpanan pada Suhu Rendah |
Nur Ducha, Widowati Budijastuti |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi IP2B III 2019 |
2019 |
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224 |
Profil Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Karakter Siswa Pendidikan Dasar Hingga Menengah Di Gorontalo |
Yuni Sri Rahayu |
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biologi IP2B III 2019 |
2019 |
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225 |
Pemberian EM4 (Effective Microorganisme 4) Hasil Kultur dalam Media yang Berbeda pada Pakan untuk Budi daya Lele (Clarias sp |
Mohhamad Yunus Anis, Dyah Hariani |
Jurnal riset biologi dan aplikasinya https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/risetbiologi/article/view/4140 |
2019 |
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226 |
Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Jenis Burung di Kawasan Cagar Alam Besowo Gadungan dan sekitarnya Kabupaten Kediri Jawa Timur |
Eka Yosida Wulandari, Sunu Kuntjoro |
Jurnal riset biologi dan aplikasinya
https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/risetbiologi/article/view/4143 |
2019 |
V |
227 |
Training Students’ Attitudes in Environmental Science Course Through Lesson Study |
Fida Rahmadiarti, Sunu Kuntjoro, Widowati |
Jurnal riset biologi dan aplikasinya https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/risetbiologi/article/view/4149 |
2019 |
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228 |
Keanekaragaman Burung di Kawasan Hutan Mangrove Banyuurip Kecamatan Ujungpangkah Kabupaten Gresik |
Muhammad Musthofa Mubarrok, Reni Ambarwati |
Jurnal riset biologi dan aplikasinya https://journal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/risetbiologi/article/view/5082 |
2019 |
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0 |
54 |
40 |
1 |
155 |
151 |