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In order to support the purpose of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Number 3, namely guarantees a healthy life and Improve the we

Soybean pulp is the by-product of the manufacturing process Soy -based processed which still has a high protein content. Unfortunately, this p

In today's modern era, technological developments have changed various aspects of human life, including in agriculture and animal husbandry. One of the significant changes that can be seen is how the marketing

SMP Laboratory Unesa is a university-assisted school Surabaya State which has science subjects, including biology, with One of the materials i

Labschool Unesa Middle School faces land limitations for farming, so that hydroponic -based urban farming is a solution relevant. However, tea

Singopadu Village, Tulangan, Sidoarjo is one of the villages that has been planting TOGA since the last two years. The main local commodity or superior sector of